Online Basic Electronic Fetal Monitoring

Online Basic Electronic Fetal Monitoring

This course is only available to PCEO members


This class is designed to assist individuals developing competency in fetal Monitoring.  Topics include equipment use, indications for monitoring, strip interpretation, nursing interventions, and documentation during the antepartum and intrapartum periods.


  1. Explain the instrumentation for fetal heart and uterine activity monitoring.
  2. Demonstrate the Leopold’s maneuver to identify fetal position.
  3. Define four components of uterine contractions.
  4. Identify the components of the fetal heart rate and associated physiology.
  5. Discuss the appropriate nursing interventions for each non-reassuring fetal heart rate pattern.
  6. Relate two causes of fetal asphyxia for each of the following:  uterine blood flow, placental factors, and fetal factors.
  7. Explain various methods of antepartum testing.
  8. Discuss the components of clear, concise, defensible reporting and nursing documentation.
  9. Differentiate characteristics of Category I, II, and III patterns. 

Contact Hours:  7.1

Kettering Health is approved with distinction as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by Louisiana State Nurses Association-Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This activity is jointly provided by Kettering Health & PCEO.

Faculty: AWHONN FHM Instructors

Target Audience:  Anyone new to the OB field desiring a formal introduction to basic electronic fetal monitoring